Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ten of a Kind: All that's left of me is my celebrity

(More Ten of a Kind here.)


SallyP said...

AARRRRGGHHHHH! That's all I have to say.

Luke said...

Just a couple of ddays ago I posted Garret Morris as Thor from the Spidey/SNL teamup!

Adam Barnett said...

What shames me is when I was around 7 or so, I read that DD comic and thought Uri Geller was one cool dude (didn't know he was an actual person, though).

Bill D. said...

The Candid Camera story is a fun one, but what I enjoy the most is that Alan Funt gets Superman to help him play a joke on Perry White in the beginning by having him move the entire Daily Planet building away, so Perry gets to work and thinks it's gone. So, first of all, this is actually funnier than anything I ever saw on the real Candid Camera, but what stuck in my head was this: I just hoped that when Superman put the building back, he bothered to re-attach all the electrical and plumbing work he doubtlessly had to rip out in the first place. And that there was no one in the building at the time he moved it.

Caleb said...

Wait, I missed that issue...who won? Superman or Ali?

Bully said...

Caleb, who do you think wins?

There's a reason why they call him The Greatest.

(Fantastic, funny and well-written summary of the book. DC, reprint this already!

Anonymous said...

BNL fan, eh?